Wednesday, 16 November 2011

OHHHHH how I LOVE these calls.....

Me - "Welcome to Health Insurance Inc, how can I help you?"

Stupid Customer, RUDE & SARCASTIC tone - "OHHH, how nice that a REAAAAL person answered the phone for once, and not one of your ridiculous robots!"

Me, already unimpressed with how she is speaking to me - "We don't have automated answering systems here ma'am, a real person answers your call every time"

Stupid Customer - "Yeah, whatever. Anyway, I'm calling to make a complaint, you people have stuffed up, as usual!"

Me - "Okay ma'am, what seems to the the problem?"

Stupid Customer - "I called in yesterday and the idiot girl I spoke to told me I would be completely covered when I went in for my massage today. WELL! I just finished my well deserved massage, went to pay, and I got NOTHING BACK! So. I don;t care what you have to do or who you have to speak with, but I expect this mess to be sorted out right now, and for the money I am owed to be in my hands by the end of the day"

Me - "Okay ma'am, I'll just bring up your policy and take a look"

*I bring everything up....and have a huge smile on my face as I go back to her*

Me - "Thanks for waiting ma'am. So just to confirm, you say you spoke to a girl yesterday and she tld you that your massage would be 100% covered, is that correct?"

Stupid Customer - "Yes! That stupid girl stuffed it up and I expect compensation for that!"

Me - "Right. Well that was actually ME that you spoke with ma'am, and I do now recall that conversation quite clearly, and I have also made notes of what I told you. I advised you that you had reached your limit for this year for massage and any massages you get done prior to 1 Janruary 2012 would not be claimable, you woudl get nothing at all back. I've noted that you swore and stated that that was a joke and that you felt that you were untitled to unlimited massage year round. I advised you again that your limit had been reached, and repeated that any massage you got prior to 1 Janruary 2012 would not be claimable at all. At no point did I state that you would be 100% covererd. Now, as you know, all calls are recorded, I've just now made further ntoes of what you are telling me now, and I'm sure a manager would be happy to review our call form yesterday, but that is up to you ma'am. Would you like me to get a manager to listen to that call?"

*CLICK*, as she then hung up.

Yeah. You just got owned, b*tch.
Once again , I will make the comment that our customers are advised at the start of each call that it is being recorded.
WHY they then try and lie is absolutely beyond me.
Have some people no shame?

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