Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Me - "Welcome to Health Insurance Inc, how can I help you?"

Stupid Customer - "Yes, hello. I upgraded my policy a few months ago and I understand that I would need to serve a 12 month wait before I would be able to claim on pregnancy services?"

Me - "Yes, that's correct. 12 months from the date you upgraded"

Stupid Customer - "Right. So I was just calling to see if it's been 12 mths yet"

Me - "Oh...okay. And you say though that you upgraded just a few months back though?"

Stupid Customer - "Yeah"

Me - "O...kay then. Let's take a look for you ma'am"

*I look at her policy*

Me - "Thanks for waiting there ma'am. Okay, so I can see that you upgraded back in August, so it's been about 3 months"

Stupid Customer - "Right. So have I served my 12 month wait yet?"

My eyebrows were raised so high during this call that I thought that they were going to fly right off the top of my head.
She was completely dead serious in what she was asking.
Something tells me that she should not breed ...

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