Monday, 14 November 2011

Me - "Welcome to Health Insurance Inc, how can I help you?"

Stupid Customer - Hi, I'm calling from a Dr's room, I just need to check the cover on this patient's policy please"

*We check the cover, nice quick standard call, I think it's over but I wouldn't be posting if it had ofbeen that easy*

Stupid Customer - "Hey you, hey! Before you go, click on the net on your little computer there and download the instructions for online patient checking [*basically how to check the cover online on their end] and email it to me"

Me - "I'm sorry ma'am?"

Stupid Customer - "I haven't done it that way in a while so I've forgotten how. Look it up for me, hang on , I'll just get you my email address"

Me - "Er, I'm sorry ma'am but I'm not able to stop my work to look up information that you need to do your job??"

Stupid Customer - "Well why not? It's not like your job is important, all you do is sit there on your a*s and talk to people all day. I work for a DOCTOR, my job is important. Now, you got a pen? I'll read out my email address..."

Me - "Again ma'am I apologise but I'm not able to download things from the internet and email them to you like that, I'm sorry"

Stuipd Customer - "You insurance people are getting more and more worthless every day!"


Yeah, well, f*ck you lady.
It might be my job to sit on my butt and take calls all day, but at least I'm capable of actually doing my job. I don't need to ask random people to download self-help guides for me.

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