Saturday, 12 November 2011

Me - "Welcome to Health Insurance Inc, how can I help you?"

Stupid Customer -  - "Finally! Look, I've been trying to reach your [location that has nothing to do with our company] branch for over and hour and no-one is picking up! Can you put me through on a direct line?"

Me - "I'm sorry ma'am, this is Health Insurance Inc"

Stupid Customer - "So?"

Me - "Well, I'm afraid you've called the wrong number ma'am"

Stupid Customer - "Bullsh*t! You're just trying to fob me off so I don't get a chance to complain about your useless branch staff who would rather sit around all day gossiping than answer the phone when a customer tries to call in! Put me through now!"

Me - "Again I do apologise ma'am, but you have called Health Insurance Inc. We are in no way affiliated with [other random company]. You will need to re-dial but using the correct number"

Stupid Customer - "Get me your f*cking manager. NOW"

Me - "I'm sorry ma'am, my manager will not be able to assist you either given that you have called the wrong number"

Stupid Customer - "Yeah, yeah you keep on trying to fob me off you little smarta*s. I tell you what, I'm going to ensure that you lose your job over this, you and those lazy branch staff of yours! GET ME A MANAGER! NOW!"

*Fine, whatever lady. This should be good. I go and grab a manager. This guy does not take sh*t from anyone...*

Manager - "Yes, hello? Yes, ma'am, you have already been advised that you have called a wrong number. Okay...okay....mmmmhmmm....okay well I'm sorry you feel that way, but no I will not take further action against an employee just because she advised you that you had dialled a wrong ma'am, no I cannot 'punish' her for making you feel stupid, you did that all on your own  ma' ma'am I cannot look up the correct number for the company you are after...well...well ma'am, I am not a walking phone book...ah-huh....mmmhmm...well yes ma'am, I could do an internet search for you if I wanted, but given that you have spent the last few minutes abusing and threatening me, I don't much feel inclined to go out of my way to assist you...ah-huh...okay....okay well you have a fabulous sunshine filled day ma'am"

Well...she asked for a manager :D

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