Thursday, 25 August 2011

Stupid Customer - "Yeah hi so how much do I get back on a hip replacement?"

Me - "Sure I can have a look here, may I please start with your membership number?"

Stupid Customer - "What? Why the hell do you need that for?!"

Me - "Um... so I can check your level of cover?"

Stupid Customer - "Well I don't have it with me! Just tell me how much I get back, god, it's not hard!"

Me - "No, it's not hard, but the cover depends on several things... your level of cover, your length of membership, where the operation is being done through..."

Stupid Customer - "I don't have my membership number, I was never given a membership number! You people never sent me a card! Just tell me the cover!"

Me - "As mentioned I have to view your policy. If you don't knwo your membership number, I can bring it up with your name. May I please start with your surname?"

Stupid Customer - "I don't have one ok!"

Me - "You don't have a name?"

Stupid Customer - "No I don't! Just tell me the cover"

Me - "I'm sorry but if you without being able to view your policy, I will be unable to advise of your cover. if you can locate your membership number and your name, feel free to call back then and one of our operators will be able to assist you"

Stupid Customer - "What?! So you're not going to help me?!"

Me - "As mentioned, without being able to view your policy and your level of cover, I have no way of being abe to advise of your cover for surgery"

Stupid Customer - "God, FINE! It's 48048098 and my name is Bob Garnder!"

What... what the!
Why not just GIVE me the info I need to assist you right at the START of the call, rather than doing THIS crap! WHY?!

And the sad thing is, this kind of thing happens ALOT.

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