Thursday, 25 August 2011

Stupid Customer - "Hi, I had a missed call and a message to call here"

Me - "Ok, may I please start with your memebrship number?"

Stupid Customer - "I don't have one, I'm not a member"

Me - "Oh ok, usually we would only be contacting our members. Hmm, let's see. What was the name of the person who left the message? I'll see if I can get a hold of them for you"

Stupid Customer - "They didn't leave their name. They just said to call, I don't know why"

Me - "Oh....kay. Hmmm, this is a bit unusual I must admit, as mentioned we only normally contact existing members, and our staff are always quite careful in ensuring they leave their name and their extension. May I please get your name so I can ask on my end who it was that called you?"

Stupid Customer - "YOU called ME!"

Me - "I understand, but without any information handy I need to try and locate who it was that called you adn why so that we are able to assist"

Stupid Customer - "It was probably about my payments, I'm a bit behind"

Me - "Oh...kay. So, just to clarify, you were saying before you weren't actually a member, so can I just confirm what payment it is you would be referring to?"

Stupid Customer - "Did you want my membership number, would that help? Tracey said to call about my payments, are you gonna help me or not, YOU people called ME!"

Me - *eye roll*


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