I witnessed this earlier this morning at the supermarket. It was early, about 6am. I didn't think people could be so passionately stupid so early in the morning, but hey, I was proven wrong!
Checkout chick is scanning this dude's groceries. Checkout chick looks to be about 15. Dude looks to be about 70, and angry. And grumpy.
Checkout Check - "Okay sir, that will be $78.95 please"
Grumpy Old Dude, erupting - "WHAT?!"
Checkout Chick - "Um...that comes to $78.95 please"
Grumpy Old Dude - "WHAT?!"
Checkout Chick - "Ah...your total is $78.95 please sir"
Grumpy Old Dude - "I'm not deaf! I think you'll find that you need to spend less time here at work and more time back in school, because you can't count for sh*t young lady!"
Checkout Chick - "Um, okay, well the items are all added up automatically by the register sir, but if you believe there is some kind of error I can void out the transaction and run it through again if you like..."
Grumpy Old Dude - "No! You won't be wasting any of my bloody time with that rubbish, you should be adding all of this up in your head! Why are you using a machine to add up, do they teach you young people nothing at school these days? See this is what's wrong with the world today, they're producing idiots through the school system! You should be able to add up in your head young lady!"
*At this stage he is being so loud that half the store can hear him ranting on, and sure enough, a manager quickly appears*
Manager - "What seems to be the problem sir?"
Grumpy Old Dude - "I'll tell you what the bloody problem is, this young girl here can't add for sh*t and overcharged me!"
Manager - "Well sir, items are scanned in through the register automatically, so I'll need to just check that something hasn't scanned through twice or something..."
Grumpy Old Dude - "Yeah that's what she's done, that stupid girl, she's scanned my items more than once and overcharged me! I hope you let he go for this, I'm a pensioner and I can't afford to be scammed by these bloody young people!"
Manager - "Okay sir...well I mean, I've looked through your items and nothing was scanned twice..."
*he grabs the receipt out of her hand and starts to analyse it fevereshly*
Grumpy Old Dude - "There! There! See! There it is! She overcharged me on the tomatoes!"
Manager - "Okay, let's take a look...okay sir, well the tomatoes are listed here as 40 cents each, you bough 6 of them, and were charged $2.40. So I can't see that you were overcharged sir?"
Grumpy Old Dude - "See! none of you can add, this is why our country has gone to ruins! 40 cents by 6, 40 cents by 6, what's so hard about that?! Do you need a calculator, huh? Why can people these days not add up!"
Manager - "Sir, I'm sorry but 40 cents by 6 does in fact equal $2.40..."
Grumpy Old Dude - "No wonder our country has gone to sh*t!"
At this stage, he picked up his bag of groceries and THREW them all over the floor and stormed out, ranting to himself.
So, not only was HE the dumbass he couldn't count, he felt it necessary to end the scene by acting like a 2-yr old child.
Niiiiiiice [insert eye rolling]
And for the record, the lovely checkout chick was understandably a little bit shaken but otherwise okay :)
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